Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal's

NAAC Accredited 'A', CGPA:3:42
Affiliated to University of Mumbai
Home > Alumni


N.M. – These two letters have defined our lives for half a decade. We have always taken pride in calling ourselves ‘NMites? and as we say this again, we are overwhelmed every time we think about its glorious history. NM is a great institution, and now after decades, is a legend. The college has built itself over the years and nurtured all of us in the process.

Every year, thousands of aspirants lining outside the college to get that coveted admission, make all of us swell with pride. NM opened its doors in the year 1964. For over 40 years it has added value to the lives of over 30,000 students that have passed through its doors and shaped their future. No one who has studied there can ever forget its contribution.

As it is true of any educational institution, its students and faculty are two dimensions of NM. We as students have always felt a sense of nostalgia even when we in the vicinity of this great institution. We have felt a need to re-bond with our alma mater and try and give something back to it, if possible. With this intention, the N.M. College Alumni Association Movement (NaaM), was conceived in 1997 by a few like minded ex-students. A beginning was made to connect all the ex-students and bring them under one roof. NaaM went through its ups and downs, but the spark that was ignited and kept burning.

NaaM is now being revived with renewed zest and vigor and the website is the first initiative to create a 24/7 interface for our brethren spread across the globe to interact and come together and make this a truly representative Association.

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